Cardinal Tetras - Mainland UK customers only
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Common name: Cardinal Tetra
Scientific name: Paracheirodon axelrodi
Average Adult Fish Size: 1.5 inches / 3.8 cm
Place of Origin: Native to South American blackwater rivers, such as the Solimoes river in south-eastern Colombia, eastern Peru and western Brazil.
Typical Tank setup: Well planted with rocks and driftwood/bogwood. They love playing in a moderate to strong current.
Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 10 gallon / 40 litre
Compatibility: It is very common to find tetras with Corydoras as companions, as they are both quite peaceful and other tank mates like Guppies, other Tetras, Rasboras, Mollies & Platies
Temperature: 72 – 79 Deg F / 22 – 26 Deg C
Water chemistry: pH 5.0 – 7.8
Feeding: They are omnivorous and do very well on a varied diet of quality flake foods, micro pellets, daphnia, microworms, and brine shrimp.
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