Typical Tank Setup: These bottom dwellers will like plenty of bogwood and some rocks as well as much vegetation and planted aquarium is a must for these Corydoras.
Compatibility: The Corydoras species is perfect for the community aquarium as a bottom dweller and as such will be compatible with other community fish such as tetras. It is a very peaceful fish and so care should be taken not to introduce aggressive fish with it but will generally keep itself to itself and spend it’s whole time scavenging the bottom of the tank.
Temperature: 22 – 26 Deg C / 72 – 79 Deg F
Water Chemistry: pH 5.8 – 7.0
Feeding: In the aquarium environment Sterbas Cory Cats will readily accept a variety of meaty and vegetable matter foodstuffs including: flake, freeze-dried, frozen, live foods and pellets. This species is an excellent scavenger that will work to keep the aquarium substrate clean of excess foodstuffs and some decaying plant matter.